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Tips For Choosing Christmas Gifts for Children | What to choose for them?

Tips for choosing christmas gifts for children

Tips For Choosing Christmas Gifts for Children | What to choose for them?

Tips for choosing Christmas gifts for children

Christmas is coming… It’s so magical to see our little ones opening their presents with stars in their eyes! So here are our tips for offering quality and suitable toys. Tips for choosing Christmas gifts for children:

Like every Christmas, we can’t wait to see our children will react to their presents.
Finding the right gifts is not going to be easy. Here are our criteria for finding the ideal toy, which will please them while respecting the values ​​we want to transmit to them: favor quality over quantity, reduce waste, consume locally … ?

Offer beautiful toys in noble materials

Tips for choosing Christmas gifts for children! Why do we avoid plastic? Plastic is made from petroleum, so it’s already unhealthy… Since she was very small, we favor beautiful materials such as wood, metal, fabric… Aesthetically these toys are more beautiful, it makes the child want to pick them up and play with them. Even for the dolls, the fabric ones are really prettier. The child further develops the sense of touch with these materials.
Especially we see the difference in the behavior of the child when he has in his hands a plastic toy that he tends to throw away and a wooden toy where he pays more attention and takes more care of it. They are also more resistant, this allows to keep them longer and to repair it if necessary!

Choose a toy with only one function

When it was necessary, for example, to find the kitchen of her dreams for them, it was complicated… Because most of them are bright colors, too bright, I prefer sober colors so as not to interfere with the primary function of the toy.
Favoring minimalism is a very important criterion for choosing a toy. If it has several colors, noise, lights, several things to do on it that complicate it… The child will not be able to perform the basic action of the toy which will then be short-circuited, so he risks s get tired of it quickly and don’t develop any skills with it!

Buy second-hand toys

You can find beautiful used toys made of wood and noble materials in shops that give them a second life and also on the occasion of toy storage, pushchair storage and other garage sales or on mobile applications: like, facebook marketplace and Vinted. This is a real good plan to give pleasure at a lower cost and in addition, passing from hand to hand means that these toys have a soul, they have a story. And the little green bonus is that they don’t have any packaging, it’s a good zero waste plan!

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It’s the same for clothes, it’s even recommended to buy second hand because they will have been washed several times and therefore will no longer be harmful to health, because yes it’s sad but if you buy new you have to think about all the chemical agents that go with it… unless you choose organic materials, and that’s another budget!
They devours books so taking them second-hand is perfect, it allows you to build a nice library and then sell them to buy more.

Favor stores close to home and local designers

You might as well favor small stores while making the local economy work! We can avoid ordering on the internet so as not to fatten up large groups and not to produce waste with delivery.
We also prefer to find unique creations from local artists in markets and shops, which are made with passion!
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Prepare a list of gifts for the family

It is not easy to convey your high standards for toys to those around you in front of the catalogs full of plastic toys, which flash and make noise…
So as for birthdays, to make it easier for grandpa, grandma, auntie, uncle… we prepare a list with the toys that we have selected together to be sure that they correspond to our child’s expectations, not to have duplicate and all our criteria ?

Shopping for gifts in advance

The key word is to anticipate your gifts so as not to have to buy by default the first toy that appears between two runs in the stores… Finding THE gift requires thought, it is a long-term job , it is deserved ! Especially if you want it to be in beautiful materials and fit within your budget, you have to be on the lookout for the right plan.

Put money in your bank account

When you don’t know what to give and you run out of ideas because all year long they receive gifts and as soon as they need a particular toy to develop an aptitude we rush to buy them because we parents are unable to wait for Christmas or any other great occasion…?

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Make your own gift

So no, it’s not to take revenge on the last noodle necklace or other gift lovingly made by our children!
This is the opportunity to put all your heart into it and make a unique gift this year. With a little elbow grease and some good advice, you can do it. Last year I created this activity book better known as the Quiet Book or Quiet Book to take everywhere, great for keeping them occupied during car trips.
To develop fine motor skills with snaps, zippers, lace up shoes, learn the weather forecast, count with the abacus, recognize emotions and even dress a doll … it is an evolving book according to the child’s abilities. adds pages with new features!

Make them live unforgettable memories

A toy is good, experiences to share together are better! Children need to spend quality time with them more than to be showered with gifts… This is another form of proof of love, accessible to all and immaterial this time. To meditate?

Sharpen their palates with food

It can be artisan chocolates. It is not because they are small that they will not be able to appreciate quality dishes, on the contrary the more we develop their taste buds at home, the more they will later know how to eat better and recognize good things … With us industrial chocolates and sweets are banned… Once again, we prefer to buy less from him and opt for those from the local chocolatier which will be better for his health and for his taste buds.

And do you know what challenge I took on this year? Opt for zero-waste packaging for all our gifts! Gone are the rolls of paper which tear and which, once the unwrapped gifts turn into a mountain of waste… In addition to being environmentally friendly because they can be reused, they are really beautiful and original: in fabric, in newspaper… It just let your creativity work!

Christmas is also the choice of the tree: we have been on a zero waste approach for some time now also like last year we have a wooden tree!

Sources: PinterPandai, The Tot, iMOM

Photo credit: Red_Dragonfly, Pixabay

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