Rajab Month | Does the month of Rajab have any virtues? Favors and acts of piety this month

Rajab Month | Does the month of Rajab have any virtues? Favors and acts of piety this month

Rajab Month

The month of Rajab (Arabic: رجب) is the seventh month in the Muslim calendar. The name comes from “Rajaba” which means to respect. This is one of the four holy months of Islam with Muharram, Dhou al Qi`da and Dhou al Hijja. On the 27th day of Rajab month, Isra and Miraj are celebrated as “the night of the ascension” (Layla al-Miraj).

Allah SWT creates what He wills and chooses among His creatures what He wills. In His infinite wisdom, He gives some months more merit than others. This is how He chose holy months and characterized them with great virtues and privileges.

Allah SWT says about this:

“The months with Allah were twelve in the Book of Allah on the day He created the heavens and the earth; four of them are sacred. This is the true religion, so don’t be unfair to yourself during these months “(Quran 9/36).
“They ask about fighting in the holy months. Say: “It is a grave sin to fight in it, but what is even more serious with Allah is blocking the way of Allah, becoming wicked to Him and to the Holy Mosque, and expelling its inhabitants from there”. (Quran 2/217).

“O you who believe! Do not desecrate the rites of Allah, or the holy month, or the sacrificial animals, or the garlands, or those who come to the Holy House seeking the grace and pleasure of their Lord”. (Quran 5/2).

“The holy month is for the holy month, and all holy things (mutually compensate) by the law of retribution. So whoever attacks you, attack them by returning the favor. Fear Allah and know that Allah is with the righteous. “(Quran 2/194).

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Acts of Piety in the Month of Rajab

Worship that must be performed on certain days of the month of Ragha’ib Night: This is the first Friday night in the Holy month of Rajab (Thursday night): It is highly recommended to be performed the day before the first Friday (Thursday night) in the month of Rajab, between Maghrib and Maghrib prayers. Icha from 12 cycles prayed two cycles. This special Ragha’ib prayer night is highly recommended to resist the destruction of the graves.

Indeed, it is reported from the Prophet (pbuh) that whoever fulfills this prayer, Allah pardons him for many sins, will send him the thawab (reward or spiritual reward) of this prayer on the first night he will spend it in the grave in the form of a smiling face with tongue not tied . She will say to him, “I bring you good news: you have been saved from ordeal.” The dead will ask him: “but who are you? I’ve never seen a face prettier than you, or a word sweeter than you, or a perfume better than you.

The face will answer: “I am the thawab (spiritual reward) of the prayers you did this night and that, in a city like that, in such a month, in such a year. So I have come tonight to let you enjoy the right you have earned thanks to your Salat, to increase your solitude and to get rid of your feelings of loneliness. And when the Trumpets are blown, I will make the Day of Resurrection on your head. Be happy then, because you will never lose your goodness. ”Method of performing this Prayer: We fast on the first Thursday of the month of Rajab, and between Maghrib and Icha prayers, we perform 12 rak’ah prayers in groups of two rak’ahs ending with Salam (or say six similar prayers of two rak’ahs).

In each rak’ah, surah fatiha is recited once, surah al-Qadr (chapter 97) 3 times and surah al-Ikhlaç 12 times. At the end of the 12th rak’ah (end of prayer) we recite 70 times “Allâhumma çalli ala Mouhammadin al-Nabiyy-il-umiyy-i wa overi” (O God, pray for Muhammad, the illiterate Prophet and his family members).

Then we bowed down and recited (in prostration) 70 times “Soubbouhoun Qouddousoun, Rabb-oul-Mala’ikati wa-r-rouhi” (He is glorified and sanctified, Lord of Angels and Souls). Then sit down and recite 70 times “Rabbi-gh-fir warham wa tajawaz amma ta lam-u Innaka Anta-l-Aliyy-oul-A’dham-u” (O Lord! Forgive and give Thy mercy, and don’t hold back your firmness. from what You know, because You must be the Most High, the Great One. We bow down again and we recite 70 more times “Soubbouhoun Qouddousoun, Rabb-oul-Mala’ikati wa-r-rouhi” (He is glorified and sanctified, Lord of Angels and Ruh.) After that, Allah is asked to grant all wishes made at that time.

Photo credit: Pixabay


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