Protestant Prayer for the Sick
In Christianity, the healing prayer is addressed to God the Father, the creator of the universe. It is performed “in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ”. It is based on the divine promises recorded in the Bible concerning the birth of the Messiah and son of God, his death and his resurrection. These are the foundations of the Christian faith. Below you will find many Protestant prayer for the sick.
“In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Lord Jesus, Son of the Living God, come and cover us with your Precious Blood shed for our salvation on the Holy Cross.
Jesus of Nazareth, take authority over this disease _________ (name the disease). By the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit, Lord God heal this evil and cast out every spirit of sickness.
In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, I now make the sign of the cross so that Jesus Christ may bring down into the depths of your being all the healing graces he wishes to give.
(You can, if you have it, anoint the diseased part* with oil.)
May the power of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ permeate the whole body, soul and spirit of ______ (say the name of the sick person) and may he (she) be filled with Glory of God. Give him, Lord, the courage to overcome this ordeal and overcome evil with good. (cf Rom 12, 21)
Lord Jesus, we have faith in you! May the gifts of the Holy Spirit grow in the heart of ______ (say the name of the person) And may God rich in mercy bless you!
In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Sources: PinterPandai, Christianity
Photo credit: Geralt / Pixabay