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Nile Tilapia | Facts, Nutrition, Recipes, Cultivation and History

Nile Tilapia | Facts, Nutrition, Recipes, Cultivation and History

Nile Tilapia | Facts, Nutrition, Recipes, Cultivation and History

Nile Tilapia

The name Nile Tilapia actually refers to several species of freshwater fish, most of which belong to the cichlid family.

Known for hiding its young in its mouth in case of danger and widely associated with some life in ancient Egypt, the Nile was later considered a useful fish.

This exotic fish is abundant all over the world.
Very well farmed tilapia: it is one of the main cultivated species in Asia, Africa and South America. It is the second largest cultivated fish in the world, after goldfish. Low-cost fish that is very profitable!


Many tilapia recipes from steamed, grilled, sour, sweet, spicy and so on. Following

Steamed tilapia with chili sauce

Preparation: 15 minutes
Cooking: 20 minutes
Number of people: 4
Difficulty: Easy

2 large tilapia fish
2 tbsp sugar cane
4 limes
10 cloves of garlic
2 red chilies
30 cl fish stock

How to make

Clean the fish, remove the head and scales. Rinse under water. Slice the skin with a knife blade.
Steam for 15 minutes (reduce slightly if thin).
Prepare the chili sauce. Pour fish stock into a saucepan with cane sugar and bring to a boil. Remove from heat as soon as the sugar has melted.
Peel the garlic cloves and cut into small pieces. Cut the peppers. Add it all to the fish stock. Squeeze the lime and squeeze the juice, add the chili sauce, stir.
Place the fish on a serving plate. Remove the fillets and serve the sauce on the side so your guests can measure them the way they want. Serve with white rice.

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For those who like very spicy dishes. You can also offer two types of sauces, one that likes it spicy with red chilies and the other that uses very little pepper.

Grilled tilapia recipe

1. Tilapia 1.1 lb (500 g)

Wash the fish properly and drain it on the surface with kitchen paper so it doesn’t get slippery when filling it.

2. Cut the fillets on both sides of the fish. Continue from the head to the caudal fin on the side of the spine, first cutting about a centimeter deep. Then slowly and carefully cut the meat around the sternum, always in the direction of the head.

3. salt 0.5 tsp

Cut a portion of the fillet on the side of the skin so that during frying the spices are released into the meat and the fish cook well where it is thickest. Salt on both sides and push the salt into the slices.

4.75 oz (20 g) butter

In a smaller skillet, melt the butter.

5. lemon juice to taste

Add the tilapia fillets to melted butter and fry on both sides for a few minutes. Start with the bottom. Pour the capers around the fish and once turned, squeeze half a lemon into the sauce.

Enjoy your meal!

Nile Tilapia Facts

Tilapia is up to 60 cm (24 in) long, and can exceed 5 kg (11 lb). As is typical of tilapia, males reach a larger size and grow faster than females. Wild and natural Nile tilapia overall are brownish or grayish in color, often with indistinct bands on the body, and vertically striped tails.

This fish contains a lot of omega-6 fatty acids, which we are already eating too much of in our modern society. Excess omega-6 can cause and worsen inflammation, making meat look heart-healthy. Inflammation can lead to heart disease and also worsen symptoms for people with asthma and arthritis.

Because tilapia initially feed on algae and aquatic plants in the wild, its teeth are designed to forage and consume these substances optimally. In general, both their teeth are very small and you have to take a closer look to see them.

Cultivation of Tilapia Nil (Oreochromis niloticus)

This fish can be traced to ancient Egyptian times as depicted on the bas-reliefs of an Egyptian tomb that is more than 4000 years old, which shows fish held in ornamental ponds. While a significant worldwide distribution of tilapias, particularly Oreochromis mossambicus, occurred during the 1940s and 1950s, the more desirable distribution of Nile tilapia occurred during the 1960s to 1980s.

Tilapia from Japan was introduced to Thailand in 1965, and from Thailand to the Philippines. Tilapia from Ivory Coast was introduced to Brazil in 1971, and from Brazil shipped to the United States in 1974. In 1978, Tilapia was introduced to China, which leads the world in tilapia production and consistently produces more than half of it; of global production every year from 1992 to 2003. Uncontrolled breeding of tilapia in ponds, which led to over-recruitment, stunting and a low percentage of market-sized fish, reduced the initial enthusiasm for tilapia as a feed fish.

The development of hormonal sex reversal techniques in the 1970s was a major breakthrough which allowed the male monosex population to be increased to a uniform and marketable size. In addition, research on nutrition and cultural systems, along with market developments and processing advances, led to rapid industrial expansion since the mid-1980s. Several species of tilapia are farmed commercially, but tilapia is the dominant cultivated species worldwide.

Sources: PinterPandai, Global SeafoodsThe Fish SiteFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons

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