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Late Payment Reminder Letter Samples and Examples (Overdue Payment)

Late payment reminder letter

Late payment reminder letter

How to write a late payment reminder letter?

Are you dealing with late invoice payments? You’re not the only one. Your late payment reminder letter must contain: The number and date of the invoice (check that you have not exceeded the limitation period for the invoice) The amount of the invoice (including late payment penalties) The due date (check although the invoice payment deadlines have been exceeded).

Examples Late Payment Reminder Letter

We have gather late payment reminder letter / email templates you can use if you’re chasing payment: a polite reminder template, a firm reminder template, and a final notice template. If your emails for late payment are falling on deaf ears, you may need to follow through on your threats of legal action.

Polite reminder (less than 14 days overdue)

Subject line: [Company Name] – Overdue Payment – [Invoice Number]

Dear [Name],

This is a friendly reminder that we haven’t received payment for invoice [Invoice Number]. The payment was due on [Due Date]. We’re not aware of any outstanding issues or reasons for non-payment, so we would like to respectfully ask you to make payment as soon as possible.

Please let us know when we can expect to receive payment for this invoice. If you have any queries, don’t hesitate to let us know. You can find the original invoice attached.

Kind regards,


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Friendly Payment Reminder Letter Samples

Your overdue invoice reminders should be tailored to the situation—whether the invoice is a day late or 90 days late. Here are some friendly but firm payment reminders you can send to improve your chances of collecting the debt owed.


Dear [Client Name],

This is a friendly reminder that your account is now overdue. According to our records, the amount of $xx is now 7 days past due. In case the invoice wasn’t received, a copy is attached.

Here’s a summary of your account:
Invoice Number:
Invoice Date:
Amount Due:
Due Date:

Please send payment via check to the address listed below. Or you can pay by credit card through our website at

As previously discussed, our payment terms are 30 days from the date of issue. Late payments are charged 3 percent per month overdue.

We appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to working with you in the future.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Subject line: [Company Name] – Overdue Payment – [Invoice Number] – Second Request

Dear [Name],

Further to my previous correspondence, I am contacting you regarding late payment for invoice [Invoice Number]. The invoice was due on [Due Date], and payment is now overdue by [Number of Days Overdue].

Be advised that late payment interest may be applied if we do not receive payment within 30 days. Let us know when we can expect to receive payment for the outstanding invoice. Please find the outstanding invoice attached.

Kind regards,


Late Payment Reminder Letter 30-60 DAYS PAST DUE

Dear [Client Name],

We’re writing to inform you that your account is now 30 days past due. The amount of $xx was due on [insert date]. We sent you a past due notice on [insert date] and did not receive a reply.

This matter requires your urgent attention. Please send payment as soon as possible.

Invoice Number:
Invoice Date:
Invoice Total:
Current Amount Due:
Due Date:

Our payment terms are 30 days from the date of issue, as established in our contract. Your account now has an additional late fee of 3 percent.

Please contact me immediately about when we can expect the payment. Payment can be made via check to the address listed below or through our website at


[Your Name]


Late Payment Reminder Letter 90+ DAYS PAST DUE

Dear [Client Name],

We require your urgent attention to resolve this situation. We contacted you on [insert dates] about your overdue invoice, with no reply. Your account is now 90 days overdue.

Please remit payment within 10 business days. If we do not receive payment by [insert date], we will immediately refer your account to a collection agency.

Immediate payment of [insert amount] will ensure this action won’t be taken.

Invoice Number:
Invoice Date:
Current Amount Due:
Due Date:

Our payment terms are 30 days from the date of issue. Late fees are 3 percent per month. As your invoice is 90 days late, a 9 percent late fee has been added to the invoice total.

Please let us know immediately when you plan to send payment. Payment can be made by check to the address listed below or through our website at


[Your Name]

Late Payment Reminder Letter – Final notice (30 days overdue)

Subject line: URGENT: [Company Name] – Overdue Payment – [Invoice Number] – Final Notice

Dear [Name],

We require your immediate attention to resolve this issue.

Invoice [Invoice Number] is now overdue by [Number of Days Overdue]. If we do not receive payment within 10 working days, we will refer the matter to a collection agency. As a last resort, we will seek to resolve the matter in court.

Our invoice terms are [X] days from the date of issue, and late fees of [X] percent may be applied. Given that the invoice is now 30 days overdue, an [X] percent fee has been added. You can find the updated invoice attached.

Please confirm your receipt of this invoice and advise as to when the invoice will be paid in full.

Kind regards,


Photo credit: Pxhere

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