Identifying Cheap and Expensive Stocks | A Comprehensive Guide to Decoding Stock Valuation (P/E, P/S, PB, DY, DCF)

Identifying cheap and expensive stocks

Decoding Stock Valuation: A Comprehensive Guide to Identifying Cheap and Expensive Stocks

Navigating the stock market can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to identifying cheap and expensive stocks, determining whether a stock is undervalued or overvalued. Understanding stock valuation is crucial for making informed investment decisions and maximizing potential returns.

A stock’s price is determined by a multitude of factors, including its earnings, growth prospects, and overall market conditions. While there is no single definitive method to determine whether a stock is cheap or expensive, several valuation metrics can provide valuable insights. Here are some metrics for identifying cheap and expensive stocks:

Price-to-Earnings (P/E) Ratio

The P/E ratio is one of the most widely used valuation metrics, comparing a company’s stock price to its earnings per share (EPS). A high P/E ratio indicates that investors are willing to pay a premium for the company’s future earnings growth. Conversely, a low P/E ratio suggests that the stock is relatively undervalued.


P/E Ratio = Stock Price / EPS


A P/E ratio of 20 means that investors are willing to pay $20 for every $1 of the company’s earnings. A P/E ratio of 50 means that investors are willing to pay $50 for every $1 of the company’s earnings.


Suppose a company’s stock price is $100 and its EPS is $5. The company’s P/E ratio would be calculated as:

P/E Ratio = 100/5 = 20


The P/E ratio is a valuable tool for comparing companies within the same industry or sector. However, it should be used in conjunction with other valuation metrics to get a more comprehensive understanding of a company’s value.

Price-to-Sales (P/S) Ratio

The P/S ratio compares a company’s stock price to its total sales. A high P/S ratio suggests that investors are willing to pay a premium for the company’s growth potential. Conversely, a low P/S ratio indicates that the stock is relatively undervalued.


P/S Ratio = Stock Price / Revenue


A P/S ratio of 2 means that investors are willing to pay $2 for every $1 of the company’s sales. A P/S ratio of 5 means that investors are willing to pay $5 for every $1 of the company’s sales.


Suppose a company’s stock price is $100 and its total revenue is $10 million. The company’s P/S ratio would be calculated as:

P/S Ratio = 100/10 = 10


The P/S ratio is a valuable tool for evaluating companies with high growth potential, such as those in the technology or biotechnology industries. However, it should also be used in conjunction with other valuation metrics, as it can be less reliable for companies with more stable sales growth.

Price-to-Book (P/B) Ratio

The P/B ratio compares a company’s stock price to its book value per share (BVPS). Book value per share represents the company’s net assets per share, which can be considered the company’s intrinsic value. A high P/B ratio suggests that investors are willing to pay a premium for the company’s future growth prospects. Conversely, a low P/B ratio indicates that the stock is relatively undervalued.


P/B Ratio = Stock Price / BVPS


A P/B ratio of 2 means that investors are willing to pay $2 for every $1 of the company’s book value per share. A P/B ratio of 5 means that investors are willing to pay $5 for every $1 of the company’s book value per share.


Suppose a company’s stock price is $100 and its BVPS is $20 per share. The company’s P/B ratio would be calculated as:

P/B Ratio = 100/20 = 5


The P/B ratio is a valuable tool for evaluating companies with tangible assets, such as real estate or manufacturing companies. However, it should be used with caution for companies with high intangible assets, such as software companies.

Dividend Yield

Dividend yield is the annual dividend income relative to the stock’s current price. A higher yield may indicate an undervalued stock, but it’s crucial to consider the company’s dividend history.


Dividend Yield = Annual Dividend per Share / Stock Price


A higher dividend yield indicates that a company is paying out a larger portion of its earnings to shareholders. This can be a desirable characteristic for income-seeking investors, as it provides them with a steady stream of income from their investments.


If a stock pays an annual dividend of $2 per share and its stock price is $40, the dividend yield would be 5% ($2 / $40).

Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Analysis

DCF estimates a stock’s intrinsic value by forecasting its future cash flows and discounting them back to present value. Comparing this value to the current stock price can determine undervaluation or overvaluation.


The formula for DCF analysis is as follows:

Value = [Cash Flow 1 / (1 + Discount Rate)] + [Cash Flow 2 / (1 + Discount Rate)^2] + … + [Cash Flow N / (1 + Discount Rate)^N


The discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis is a powerful tool for valuing companies, as it takes into account the time value of money. This means that future cash flows are discounted to their present value, which reflects the fact that money is worth less today than it will be in the future.


Suppose a company is expected to generate $10 million in cash flow next year, $15 million in cash flow two years from now, and $20 million in cash flow three years from now. The company’s required rate of return is 10%. The present value of these cash flows can be calculated as follows:

Value of Cash Flow 1 = $10 million / (1 + 10%) = $9.09 million

Value of Cash Flow 2 = $15 million / (1 + 10%)^2 = $7.27 million

Value of Cash Flow 3 = $20 million / (1 + 10%)^3 = $5.12 million

Total Value = $9.09 million + $7.27 million + $5.12 million = $21.48 million

Thus, the company’s value is estimated to be $21.48 million using the DCF analysis.


Determining whether a stock is cheap or expensive is a complex process that requires careful consideration of various valuation metrics, industry trends, and overall market conditions. Identifying cheap and expensive stocks involves evaluating metrics such as price-to-earnings ratios (P/E), price-to-book ratios (P/B), dividend yields, and comparing them to historical data or industry averages. While there is no foolproof method to guarantee investment success, by understanding the factors that influence stock prices, investors can make more informed decisions and increase their chances of achieving their investment goals.

Read also: What kind of investor profile are you? | How to define it?

Remember, no single metric guarantees accuracy. Using a combination of valuation tools and understanding a company’s fundamentals aids in making well-informed investment decisions.

Always conduct thorough research and seek professional financial advice before making investment choices.

Photocredit: ds_30 via Pixabay

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