How To Educate Cat | How to properly educate a kitten?

How To Educate Cat | How to properly educate a kitten?

How To Educate Cat Properly?

During the first weeks of their life, kittens learn a lot alongside their mothers and siblings. But learning alongside the humans who surround the little cute beast is an absolutely necessary. How to educate cat properly?… In addition, the mother cat does not teach her cubs to respect the good manners defined by humans. To educate a kitten, it is best to adhere to a few basic principles.

The mother’s education of the kitten does not fulfill the same objectives: the mother raises her young with the aim of preparing them to live in the world around them so that later they can lead a balanced cat life. The mother cat therefore plays a decisive role in the education of young kittens. However, as your cat’s human roommate, it is your job to make her understand that the presence of curtains, wallpaper or a sofa does not allow her to scratch her. It is essential that you know how to interpret your cat’s bad behavior and how to correct it. This is how easily a kitten can be educated. By scratching your sofa or curtains, your whiskered friend marks his territory, using the glands on his paws. In this way, the cat wears out its claws, allowing it to clean them and stretch.

Clawing is a very natural behavior for cats. This is the reason why you should encourage your cat to continue, but somewhere other than on your furniture or decorative items. Cat trees and cat scratching posts fulfill this function wonderfully.

Bengal cat known for its coat similar to leopard. They’re also a hypoallergenic cat

Properly educating a kitten: between child’s play and luck

In addition, it is important to realize that cats are solitary animals, and not animals that live in packs. This is the reason why they don’t view their human roommates as dominant. It also means that they will not always want to follow the rules laid down by them. Some cats obey better than others. In general, you shouldn’t have much difficulty in educating a kitten, as long as you follow the following tips:

It is essential to react immediately to the bad behavior of your feline. Does your kitten climb on the table or bring its little snout closer to the edge of the table? Does it scratch your sofa, curtains or wallpaper? Make him understand that all these things are forbidden to him by saying a firm “no” and by moving him away from the table or by placing him in front of his cat tree, for example.

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Ideally, have one or more cat trees in one or more places your kitten can reach. It is also recommended to place scratching posts around furniture that has already been the victim of intensive scratching. By spraying your cat trees and scratching posts with cat mint, you will further encourage your curious little one to come and scratch them.

React immediately to properly educate your kitten

If your kitten behaves badly, you should react within a couple of seconds at most, so that she can relate to her latest silliness. Every immediate and consistent action on your part in connection with your cat’s good behavior, such as congratulations for example, or offering your cat a treat, will have quick and lasting consequences on his education. Your kitten will thus take to heart the rules that you have defined for him.

How to educate cat or kitten well: alongside its mother

It is especially important that you let your cat have her first experiences with her mother, ideally, for as long as possible. The proximity of their mother creates the essential conditions for the psychic and physical health of the kittens.

Particularly if the kittens have been separated from their mother too soon, they can become more fearful. Again, this would decrease their quality of life as much as your chances of achieving a good level of education. Indeed, educating a kitten that has spent enough weeks with its mother is easier. Kittens are more receptive to any form of learning, when they feel secure and when their sanity is stable.

How to educate cat and How to punish your cat or kitten?

It is necessary to punish at the very moment of stupidity!
There is a very important rule how to educate cat, this is to observe when the cat deserves punishment. The latter must be given at the precise moment when the cat does something stupid. You really have to catch the cat in the act and punish him immediately, neither before nor after. Indeed, the cat does not work by association and it will not understand what you are accusing it of if you intervene just after the fault.

Punishment is indirect and at a distance

The best punishment for a cat or kitten is to scare it. If your cat is scratching a piece of furniture, tap the piece of furniture with a firm, authoritative “no”. Violence is completely unnecessary and there is no point in hitting your cat. The latter should never associate the punishment with you, because he may be afraid and lose confidence. The cat should not make any association between you and the punishment. It is possible to spray it with a water gun (or with a fogger) when it does something stupid or to clap your hands hard to scare it. The punishment must be systematic. If you ban something one day, you have to ban it every day.

Reward is essential

The most appreciated reward by your cat or your kitten is the treat. However, you can also reward him with affectionate words or hugs. So that the cat or the kitten understands that what he has done is positive, that you like his action, you can give him a treat. This will encourage him to start over. This is called positive reinforcement as opposed to negative reinforcement which is punishment. Do not give the treat until the end of the desired act. This gluttony must be pleasant and motivating. It is not a question of giving your cat its usual kibble but rather a piece of meat or a small tablet of brewer’s yeast.

Can I re-educate a bad behaved cat?

Rehabilitation of the cat is difficult but with persistence you can hope for improvement. Patience and gentleness are essential: a quality relationship will give you the best results. Obviously, it is better to teach him good manners as soon as possible.

Sources: PinterPandai, The Spruce Pets, Daily Paws, Hill’s Pet Nutrition

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