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Gods of Olympus and Their Functions | 12 Ultimate Secret Olympians Greek Divinities

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Gods of Olympus and Their Functions | 12 Ultimate Secret Olympians Greek Divinities

Gods of Olympus and Their Functions and Their Ultimate Secret

The Olympians were the group of twelve great Gods of Olympus who formed the supreme council of Olympus.

These were: Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, Aphrodite, Athena, Ares, Artemis, Apollon, Hermes, Hephaestus and Dionysos.

The gods of Olympus carry within them an obvious symbolic value and a function of their own. Each of these immortal figures underline the weaknesses of men in the face of the powers of nature.

In the interpretative tradition of Greek mythology, the Olympian deities are the primary deities of worship. They take their name from Mount Olympus, on which they are supposed to reside, although two of them, Poseidon and Hades have their homes opposite.

Olympia painting, by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (mid 18th century). Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

As a reminder, here is a summary table of the different gods of Olympus and their functions:

Goddess or God Roman name Origin Function / Capacity
Zeus Jupiter Son of Cronus and Rhea King of the Gods, Sky God, Thunder God
Poseidon Neptune Son of Cronus and Rhea God of sea (and earth), god of earthquakes, god of horses
Hera Junon Daughter of Cronus and Rhea Goddess of marriage, goddess of fertility, protector of women and married couples
Demeter Ceres Daughter of Cronus and Rhea Goddess of agriculture
Aphrodite Venus Daughter of the sea impregnated by Ouranos or daughter of Zeus and Dione Goddess of Love, Goddess of Carnal Pleasure, Goddess of Procreation and Goddess of Beauty
Athena Minerve Daughter of Zeus and Metis Goddess of Wisdom, Goddess of Warrior Strategy, Goddess of Justice, Goddess of Craftsmanship
Ares Mars Son of Zeus and Hera God of the war
Artemis Diane Daughter of Zeus and Leto Goddess of the Hunt, Goddess of the Wilderness, Goddess of the Moon
Apollon Apollo Son of Zeus and Leto God of Arts, God of Reason, God of Healing, God of the Sun
Hermes Mercure Son of Zeus and Maia God of travel, god of commerce, god of thieves, messenger of the gods
Hephaestus Vulcain Son of Zeus and Hera God of the forge, god of fire
Dionysos Bacchus Son of Zeus and Semele God of wine, god of parties, god of madness

But it also happens that Ares and Dionysus are replaced by Hades and Hestia. Similarly, some texts make Heracles and Dionysus Olympians. The tradition never explains which gods come out of the list when others come in.

Goddess or God Roman name Origin Function / Capacity
Hades Pluton Son of Cronus and Rhea King of the underworld / hell
Hestia Vesta Daughter of Cronus and Rhea Goddess of the Hearth, Goddess of Sacred Fire

What gods live on Mount Olympus?

So let’s meet the inhabitants of this prestigious district, spared by the winds, rain and snow. They are only 12 according to tradition, there are the gods of the first generation, all children of Cronos, time, and Rhea, Earth. Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hestia and Hera, to which must be added the gods of the next generation, almost all descendants of Zeus himself: Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, and Dionysus. You counted correctly, it actually makes 14! This is because some of them only come here on vacation, like Hades who has to take care of the underworld of the underworld, or Hestia the goddess of the hearth who never wanted to get involved in conflicts between mortals and gods.

View of Mount Olympus from the west. Giorgos Kollias, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

What is their life like?

Between intrigues and rivalries, they spend a lot of time feasting, feeding on ambrosia which ensures their immortality, and drinking nectar, a mysterious beverage intended for the gods alone, while contemplating the world of humans.

Mytikas, the highest peak of Mount Olympus. Stolbovsky, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

It will be necessary to wait until 1913 for Mytikas peak, summit of Mount Olympus, to be reached for the first time, and for an official truth to emerge which no one doubted, on its snowy rocks, no marvelous garden awaits the brave mountaineers. But it doesn’t matter, myths are like gods, they never die, and every year there are nearly 300,000 who between sporting challenge and fascination try to reach its peak.

Greek Gods and Goddesses (Mythology Figures)

Sources: PinterPandai, Wikipedia, Britannica, History Cooperative

Photo credit: Artist Raphael (1483–1520), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Photo description: The assembly of gods, mainly the twelve Olympians, receive Psyche (Loggia di Psiche, 1518-19, by Raphael).

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