August 2021

10 Minutes
Geography and History

Alan Turing Biography | Tragically fated mathematician, computer inventor, artificial intelligence pioneer, WWII hero, and persecuted homosexual

BIOGRAPHY ALAN TURING English mathematician, Alan Turing (Alan Mathison Turing) anticipated the programming of the first computers with his “Turing machine”. During World War II, he deciphered the German machine Enigma. How the Enigma machine...
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49 Minutes
Geography and History

Maya Civilization | People, geography and languages, The ancient Mayan cities, Mayan society, Cosmology and religion, Hieroglyphic writing, Arithmetic, The Mayan calendar, Astronomy, Contemporary civilization

Maya Civilization Among the classical civilizations of Mesoamerica, the Maya Civilization and Mayan people are probably the best known. Originally from Yucatán around AD 2600 BC, it reached its peak around AD 250. AD...
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