Future Jobs Professions | Careers, occupation lists for a secure or reliable future!

Future jobs professions

Future Work Professions

In IT, health, or crafts, many sectors will recruit in the coming years. Here some future jobs professions or careers lists for a secure future!

Under the marked influence of digital transformation and structural changes in society, new professions have emerged, while others have disappeared and still others – manual professions in particular – have returned to the forefront of the scene. Technology and people are now at the heart of business. Technical professions, local jobs and personal services: professions that were still decried until recently are regaining a central place, while those of IT and digital marketing are becoming essential.

Where are we today in terms of employment? What are the growth professions and the professions of the future? As the question of professional retraining becomes significant, what retraining do workers aspire to and for what reasons? So many questions that we answer through the articles gathered on this page.

Lists of the Future Work Professions

Cloud Architect

The cloud architect is a builder of digital security. It ensures the proper storage of data on external servers.

Child care assistant

The childcare assistant provides the necessary basic care such as washing, treating minor sores, giving medication, and feeding the newborn or child.


The SEO takes care of natural referencing (SEO – Search Engine Optimization) or paid referencing (SEA – Search Engine Advertising). Read also: SEO Optimized URLs | How to make them Google Friendly?

Data engineer

The role of the Data Engineer is to organize the collection, management and analysis of data, which is then carried out by the technical data team.

Data Steward

The Data Steward checks the quality of the data before using it.

IT Developer

The computer developer is an expert in designing or improving computer programs.

Prison counselor for integration and probation

A profession of the Ministry of Justice, the prison counselor for integration and probation helps people sentenced by the courts.


When all is well, we see them once a year for a check-up, sometimes a scaling, hoping that he does not find any cavities: the dentist.

Life assistant

The school assistant and the social assistant have one thing in common: helping others.

Special educator
The specialized educator can work with children, disabled people or even adults in professional or family rupture.

Data analyst / data miner

In a company, the Data Analyst – or Data Miner – is responsible for all operations related to databases.


Do you like human contact and the sales sector? The digital job of commercial, maybe suitable for you.

Digital doctor

A general practitioner or digital specialist, they accepts patients in consultation, establishes a diagnosis, requests examinations and prescribes treatment. But for example in the digital age, they must know better to use robots to perform operations.


If there is one ritual that no one escapes, it is the appointment at the hairdresser. Good news for those who have chosen to do this job.

Social worker

The social service assistant accompanies and directs children, adults, families or groups in difficulty. Social work as a future work profession is still promising, because the social system of a country will never end.

Project Manager

When we talk about the profession of project manager, we have to know what profession we are talking about. Event project manager? computer science ? website? marketing?

Digital Ophthalmologist

Professional of the eye and sight, the ophthalmologist prescribes glasses or corrective lenses. It also cures eye diseases.

Family life assistant

The Family Life Assistant (Nanny) accompanies vulnerable or sensitive people such as young children, sick people, disabled people, etc. A personal life assistant is someone who can help restore work-life balance while you’re free to focus on what’s most important. Even a virtual assistant can contribute to your personal care by handling everything that can be handled in a personal assistant job from a remote location.


The webmaster is not the shy computer scientist hidden behind their screen who only exchanges by email or poke. They do: develop and manage websites according to their clients’ needs. They ensure that websites are secure, functional, visually appealing, user-friendly, and consistently updated.

Trilingual assistant

The trilingual assistant performs, in addition to secretarial tasks, translations and maintains relations with foreign customers/suppliers. Bilingual is more common, but trilingual is quite rare.

Occupational therapist

Do you want to help patients regain autonomy and independence through re-education and rehabilitation? Become an occupational therapist who performs special care for someone who has a certain health disorder in order to get positive hope

Prison supervisor

Are you interested in legal professions? The profession of prison guard as well as all the aspects of this profession will still be used in the future.

Community Manager

On the internet, everything goes very fast. For a company, listening to what is being said is essential in order to dialogue with consumers…

Network architect

Expert in telecommunications and networks, the network architect’s mission is to design the configuration of a communication network.


The plumber is a specialist in sanitary and/or thermal installation. He can be a self-employed plumber or an employee.

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
The CTO is the director of new technologies. He specializes in the uses of technological and digital innovations.

Data scientist

The Data Scientist explores and analyzes raw data to make it usable and use it for marketing or commercial purposes.

Digital school teacher

The school teacher is at the base of learning the basics for each individual: knowing how to read, know how to write, know how to count.

Cyber ​​Security Expert

The Cyber ​​Security Expert is an expert in security and ensures data protection. In the event of attacks, he draws up an action plan to counter them.


The logistician is responsible for the movement of goods. It can intervene in several sectors, in particular transport or mass distribution. This is one of the future jobs professions that will still be used.

Digital finance officer

Finance officers can perform three functions, primarily customs, public treasury and tax officials. The digital finance director would be better off, as it is their job to support and hold senior interests on all business reviews. Manage the budgeting, forecast or long term planning process. Generate reports & analysis to assist in decision making. Manage banking relationships, cash management and other treasury related activities.

CRM Manager

The CRM (customer relationship management) manager aims to improve the satisfaction of a company’s customers.

What is more beautiful than giving life? During this once-in-a-lifetime moment, the midwife is present.


The psychomotrician attacks the psychological origin of the handicap or disorder and offers awakening or relaxation activities.


Are you looking for a human profession, in which you can help your neighbor? Caregiver may be the job for you.

Educational and social support

The educational and social support helps children, adults or elderly people who are vulnerable or have a disability on a daily basis.

Telecom and network engineer
A specialist in the proper functioning of telecommunications networks, the profession of telecommunications and network engineer is constantly expanding.

Digital surgeon

The surgeon performs physical interventions after having consulted and presented to the patients the possibilities of the care and operations to be carried out.

Video game designer

Does the virtual world fascinate you? Are you creative and passionate about video games? Discover the profession of video game designer also called “game designer”.


A true diagnostician, the mechanic examines, dismantles, checks, adjusts and knows how to repair or replace all the parts and systems of a vehicle.

Educator of Young Children

The educator of young children supervises the children and organizes activities in nurseries, hospitals, or even specialized centres.

Web designer

Specialist in the graphic aspect of a website, the web designer designs all the visuals of a site.

Are you passionate about new technologies and marketing? Want to work in the web industry? Become a webmarketer!


The electrician takes care of the installation of the electrical outlets, the laying of the cables and then the connection to the electrical systems.

Kindergarten assistant

Do you like children? Want to work from home? Become a nanny!

IT Project Manager

Specialist in IT solutions, the IT project manager responds to the requests of their clients in order to find them suitable solutions.

Childcare worker

Trained as a nurse, the childcare worker works with children and their parents. She / he supervises childcare assistants.

Male nurse

The nurse provides care to the patient, listens, reassures him. She is often the link between the doctor and the patient.

Web developer

The web developer creates websites as well as mobile applications, and ensures their proper functioning.

Do you like working with your hands? Discover the profession of carpenter.

Heating / aircond engineer

The heating / aircond engineer advises their clients between the thermal regulation systems and in their choices between oil, gas, wood, electric heating…

Sources: PinterPandai, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, CoorpAcademy

Photo credit: PCB-Tech / Pixabay

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