Fungal Infection (Mycosis)
Have you heard of Candida Albicans? It may not be a name you are familiar with, yet it is one responsible for the yeast infection. This skin or mucous membrane infection is a frequent infection, for example 75% of women have already suffered from a vaginal yeast infection. This article will alert you to the signs that should alert you in the event of a yeast infection or fungal infection and explain how to treat it.
What are the signs of a yeast infection?
The symptoms of a yeast infection largely depend on its location. Rest assured, even if they are numerous and frequent, they are not dangerous. The important thing is that you know how to detect them in time and that you consult in time to be able to treat them.
The main symptoms of skin yeast infection
A yeast infection can be recognized on the skin by the appearance of red patches and small, whitish skin.
Sometimes we see blistering, oozing lesions.
They often cause severe itching and sometimes the appearance of cracks, especially on the feet.
On the nails, the yeast infection may be itchless, it is a thickening or crumbling of the nail that should get your attention.
Good to know: some skin yeast infections cause dandruff. They are nicknamed fungal acne, although this condition has nothing to do with hormonal acne. Indeed, yeast infection is caused by the presence of a fungus, while acne results from hormonal changes, especially during adolescence.
The main symptoms of vaginal or anal yeast infection
Again, it is mainly the itching that should get your attention.
Vaginal or anal yeast infections are very uncomfortable due to the itching felt, but they are not painful either.
Vaginal yeast infection is most often accompanied by a thick white vaginal discharge. If they are smelly, it could be an infection such as vaginosis or vaginitis, not a yeast infection.
In the case of oral yeast infection (oral thrush), your mouth may turn white and you will feel very dry in your mouth with sometimes sore throat.
What treatments to get rid of a yeast infection?
If they are not dangerous or particularly painful, you will probably need to get relief from the itching caused by the yeast infection as soon as possible. There are several ways to deal with them. There are many conventional treatments. These are antifungal drugs in different forms depending on the area to be treated.
Our advice for treating vaginal yeast infection
A doctor or midwife may prescribe an egg if you have vaginal yeast infection. Note that this type of treatment is also available in pharmacies without a prescription. However, you will not be reimbursed if there is no prescription.
Good to know:
Vaginal yeast infection is very common after taking antibiotics.
However, it can be avoided by talking to your doctor when prescribing the antibiotic treatment in question.
It is recommended that you do not have a smear done if you have a yeast infection.
Vaginal yeast infection often causes an imbalance of the vaginal flora. After treatment with an egg, it is often advisable to take probiotics vaginally to rebalance the flora. In particular, this helps prevent recurrence.
It is also advisable to use soaps suitable for personal hygiene. If you need advice, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.
Treatment for skin or nail fungus
Your doctor can prescribe:
- a cream, ointment or spray for skin yeast infection
- nail polish if it’s nail fungus.

Natural remedies for yeast infection
There is no natural cure for the symptoms of yeast infection. On the internet, you will read all kinds of information that advocates the use of plants and the like to treat yeast infections. However, at Qare we recommend that you follow your doctor’s advice and treat your yeast infection with the treatments listed above.
What causes yeast infection?
Yeast infection is an infection caused by micro-fungi, as we told you, it is often Candida Albicans but it can also be Candida Glabrata, to name a few. They can affect many parts of the body, here are the main ones.
Vaginal yeast infections are more common in the summer due to wet swimsuits and the heat, as are urinary tract infections or cystitis. They are also relatively common during pregnancy and in this specific case, it is important to treat them quickly!
Another factor favoring yeast infection concerns personal hygiene: repeated intimate toilets and vaginal douches unbalance the flora and promote the development of fungi.
Talk to a doctor confidentially from home
Take the time to take care of yourself by long-distance medical consultation (telemedicine), if available!
Mycoses that affect the mouth and vagina
In this category, mention may be made of fungal infections of the mouth or even mycoses affecting the tongue but also genital mycoses and anal mycoses. They are most often due to Candida Albicans.
Cutaneous (fungal infection affecting the skin) yeast infections
They are very varied, they can affect the skin but also the nails and the hands, the armpits under the arms or the scalp. Mycoses of the skin are often caused by the so-called dermatophyte fungi or pityrosporosis, it is easy to confuse them with other diseases such as eczema or psoriasis. Just like scalp yeast infection. Fungal infections of the nails are generally caused by so-called dermatophyte fungi but also by molds or yeasts, and affects around 10% of the population. Skin yeast infections of the feet and hands are among the most common.
How can a man get a yeast infection or fungal infection?
Although genital yeast infection is relatively uncommon in men, it can still happen that it is affected in the glans, especially after sex. The contamination can also be endogenous, meaning that humans infect themselves with their own Candida.
The appearance is not very specific, red lesions, sometimes with small erosions or pustules, and discomfort and itching. It is sometimes simple tingling after intercourse, without detectable lesions. Contamination or perhaps of digestive or sexual origin.
Is the yeast infection contagious?
Yeast infection in both men and women is contagious, but it’s not dangerous, don’t worry. The fungi that cause yeast infection are transmissible in crowded places such as swimming pools or communal showers. They are also contagious through sex, but you should know that they are not considered to be STIs. The only yeast infection that is not contagious is oral yeast infection (oral thrush).
He may also confuse a skin yeast infection near the mouth with oral herpes (cold sore), which is very contagious. Read also: Infectious Diseases and Contagious (viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, protozoa)
Fungus prevention tips
How to prevent skin yeast infection?
These are yeast infections of the feet, nails, and scalp. Here are the actions to adopt on a daily basis to avoid catching it and limit transmission:
Dry your feet well after showering: between the toes and the folds;
Avoid going barefoot in public places: especially gym, swimming pool. Instead, use tap dancing, for example;
Use a non-alkaline soap (neutral pH);
Avoid wearing clothes or shoes that do not breathe: humidity promotes the spread of fungi;
neutral ph soap fungus
How to prevent vaginal yeast infection?
Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight: wear loose clothing and rather made of natural material such as cotton (avoid synthetic);
Dry well after washing;
Also use a neutral pH soap;
Avoid excessive cleansing as this weakens the natural barrier of the skin;
Prevent oral yeast infection
Adopt good oral hygiene: brushing teeth three times a day, mouthwashes.
There is less prevention advice for this type of yeast infection, which develops especially in immunocompromised person
Frequently Asked Questions
What other diseases can itch?
Other infections can be itchy. For example, those on the wrists, elbows, between the fingers or the genitals may be a sign of infection with scabies (parasitic disease). Shingles often causes flare-ups on one side of the trunk, eczema also makes you want to scratch, just like cold sores or genital herpes.
Classification or types of fungal infection
Yeast infections are classified according to the level of the organ tissues initially affected:
1. Superficial yeast infection – limited to the outermost layer of skin and hair.
2. Skin yeast infection – this fungal infection spread within the epidermis, as well as invasive hair and nail disease. Unlike superficial yeast infections, the immune response can be evoked, with pathological changes in the deep layers of the skin. The organisms that cause these diseases are called dermatophytes. The resulting pathologies are often called ringworm or ringworm. Skin yeast infection is caused by the fungi Microsporum, Tricophyton, and Epidermophyton, which include species.
3. Subcutaneous yeast infection – this fungal infection affects the dermis, subcutaneous tissue (also called hypodermis), muscles and fascia. These infections are chronic and can start with cuts in the skin, which allow fungi to enter. They are difficult to cure from yeast infection and may require surgery. The forms are called Chromomycosis, entomoftoromicosi, feoifomicosi, lobomicosi and sporotrichosis.
4. Systemic mycoses caused by primary pathogens – originating mainly from the lungs and can spread to many organs. The organisms that cause systemic yeast infection are usually virulent.
5. Systemic mycoses due to opportunistic pathogens – are infections of patients with immune deficiencies who would otherwise not be affected. Examples of immune deficiency include AIDS, alteration (dysbiosis) of the human microbiota due to antibiotics, immunosuppressive therapy, and metastatic cancer. Examples of opportunistic mycoses include candidiasis, cryptococcosis and aspergillosis.
Information: Cleverly Smart is not a substitute for a doctor. Always consult a doctor to treat your health condition.
Sources: PinterPandai, Karger, Web MD, Osmosis, Health Line, NHS UK