Dream research from psychoanalysis to analytical psychology Carl Jung

Dream research from psychoanalysis

Dream research from psychoanalysis to analytical psychology

The dream research from psychoanalysis to analytical psychology by Carl Jung is quite complex. The influence of Romanticism and German idealism on Jung’s psychoanalytic research was instrumental. She enriched her thinking with a number of elements that Freud had deliberately concealed. In his interpretation of dreams, Jung does indeed take unconscious archetypes into account.

The three main functions that Jung attributes to dreams – the compensatory function (information on the other side, “unconscious, of things), the prospective or teleological function (the non-causal, but final message of the dream) and the prophetic function (divination) – are present in romantic discourse on the dream.

Carl Jung’s research on dreams: from psychoanalysis to analytical psychology

It was while still a student at the Burghölzli in Zurich that Jung read Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams. He then reported to the other students during his psychiatry course and in particular to his superior, Eugen Bleuler. Jung joined the psychoanalytic movement after meeting Freud in 1907.

His psychiatric practice then focused mainly on the collection and study of patients’ dreams. As early as 1906 Jung defended the Freudian method in his work Psychology of precocious dementia, from which he sent a copy of his book to Freud, who welcomed it favorably. Yet Jung already refers to the interpretation of Freud’s dreams in his thesis on psychiatry, Psychology and pathology of so-called occult phenomena, from 1902.

As soon as he joined psychoanalysis, Jung will multiply theoretical studies on dreams. In 1908 he published the article “The Freudian theory on hysteria” then, in 1909 he wrote a synthesis in “The analysis of dreams” where he used all the concepts of Freud, such as censorship or the latent and manifest content. The study even ends with a recommendation, not only to psychiatrists and neurologists, but also to psychologists, to resort to the psychoanalytic method.

On the meaning of number dreams

It was with his study “On the meaning of number dreams” in 1910 that Jung began to stand out from Freudian thought, a separation which would culminate in 1912, after their official rupture. The same year he published a final plea, “On the critique of psychoanalysis”, before presenting and gradually developing his own theory. Jung indeed began to develop his own conceptions on the meaning of dreams shortly after his break with Freud, in 1912 and 1913.

During this period, he experienced a “creative illness” in the words of Henri F. Ellenberger, who put him in contact. direct with the unconscious images, which he draws and compiles in his Red Book. Volume 5 of The Theory of Psychoanalysis, entitled “The fantasies of the unconscious”, from 1912, exposes the postulates of the newly created analytical psychology, which he defines as a method of investigation of the unconscious not based on on sexuality as Freud perceives it.

Jung explains that the unconscious is the key to the etiology of neuroses. He shows that there are also obvious parallels between the imaginary contents of the unconscious and those of mythology, parallels that dreams express in symbolic terms.

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General Viewpoints of the Psychology of Dreams

In 1916 Carl Gustav Jung published Allgemeine Gesichtspunkte zur Psychologie des Traumes (General Viewpoints of the Psychology of Dreams) where he developed his own understanding of dreams which differed greatly from Freud’s. Dreams therefore become materials for comparative study allowing Jung to advance other concepts and hypotheses such as the collective unconscious, in Metamorphosis and symbols of libido and archetypes.

Later, when he took alchemy and its allegories as working material, he nevertheless continued to shed light on the motives by putting them in parallel with the dreams of patients. Throughout his career Jung has therefore amassed a considerable number of dreams which allow him to declare his method as being empirical. In 1928 he outlines it in his article entitled “Du rêve”, taken up in The Man in the Discovery of His Soul (1948) and which constitutes his most synthetic introduction to his conception of the dream process.

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Click here to find out other meanings. Complete Dream Meaning – Interpretation, Definition, Explanation of Dreams in Psychology

Meaning of Dreams and Psychology

Sigmund Freud is a psychologist and founder of the school of psychoanalysis in the field of psychology. Psychoanalyst is a way to get in detail emotional experiences that can be the source or cause of mental disorders and behavior.

According to Freud, soul life has 3 levels of consciousness:

Pre-conscious (preconscious)
The concept of Freud’s most famous theory is that there is a subconscious that controls most behavior.

What Does The Dream Reveal?

Some dreams are easier than others to interpret, but be careful! This can be a trap. Do not rely on systematic “clear” interpretations as you will have to decipher the language of dreams using suggestions or imagery.

In order to understand the meaning of the dream element, you must know the meaning yourself and associate other dream meanings and only in the context of this whole will prove to you the true meaning of the dream.

Do All Dreams Have Hidden Meanings?

That question has no definite answer. Some people will say yes and we can’t prove it right or wrong. Some dreams may have a “hidden” meaning in the form of a metaphor or symbol, but many dreams are just “random images” usually taken from the events of our life.

Dreams Are Communication From the Subconscious

Although there has always been an interest in interpreting the meaning of human dreams, it was not until the late 19th century that Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung put forward some of the most widely known modern dream theories.

Freud’s theory centers on the idea of ​​repressed “longing / feeling” – the idea that dreaming allows us to sort out unresolved and oppressed desires.

Carl Jung (who studied under Freud) also believed that dreams have psychological importance, but proposed a different theory about their meaning. For the famous dream psychologist Carl Jung, drowning in water is a symbol of an archetypal pattern. Drowning in the tub suggests hidden depth. If you see other people drowning in your dream it means that you are trying to find something dark and hidden.

Sources: Britannica, Sigmund Freud – Life and WorkNew York Media LLCABC ScienceUniversity of California – Santa Cruz 


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